Decimal to Fraction Converter

Enter a decimal to convert it into a fraction:

Understanding Decimal to Fraction Conversion:

  1. Enter the decimal number you want to convert. For example: 0.25
  2. Write the decimal as a fraction with the numerator being the digit(s) before the decimal point. The denominator will be 1.
  3. Count the number of digits after the decimal point. This is the new denominator.
  4. The fraction is the original numerator over the new denominator. For our 0.25 example, the fraction would be 25/100.
  5. Simplify the fraction if possible. 25/100 simplifies to 1/4.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to convert any decimal to a fraction.


  1. A repeating decimal will convert to a fraction with the repeating part as the numerator and repetitions as the denominator.
  2. Check your math - multiply the denominator by the numerator to see if you get the original decimal.
  3. Simplifying the fraction is optional, but will show it in lowest terms.

With this easy tool, converting decimals is fast and error-free. No more struggling with rules of conversion. Just follow our steps!